Monday, January 28, 2008

It's A Giveaway

My mom told me that I could give away something that I like. Well, I like Webkinz. This giveaway is for a brand new seasonal Love Frog. It would be a really cool Valentine's Day gift.

Just leave one comment on this post (we'll delete any duplicates) and we will randomly pick a winner on Friday, February 1. We will close the comments at 12:01 a.m. on that day.

It is open to residents of the US and Canada.

Thank you to Shannon at Bloggy Giveaways.
Comments are now closed. I'll announce a winner on Friday!!


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Susan said...

Ahhh, how cute! Count me in!

Julie said...

OK I would be best*aunt*ever!

Melissa said...

That frog is too cute - my 6 y.o. would love it!

Bluepaintred said...

WebKinz are SO much fun! Two of my boys have webkinz already ( goldie a golden retriever) and Lyor (a lion) but my third would LOVE his own webkinz!

Pam said...

This is darling. My daughters love Webkinz and would go "ga-ga" over this one.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Teddi said...

I have two Webkinz lovers in my house! I have been thinking about getting one of these for Valentine's Day - count me in!

Coach Paulette said...

My 3 daughters just love Webkinz - this would be neat to win!

Anonymous said...

Big Webkinz fans in this house!!!

Lisa said...

Hi my mom is Lisa from 90 west and she told me I should come over here and enter this contest. I love the frog. I have a blue hippo, a polar bear, a Golden Retrever, and the lion. I love Webkinz!!!
It is cool that you have a blog!

(here's my moms email in case I win!

ali said...

that's cute`

Liza on Maui said...

Oh my - my daughter would love this! Please count me in!

Stacey said...

So cute!

Tammy and Parker said...

Please count us in. Parker's sister would LOVE this!

Tammy and Parker

Wendy Sue said...

oooh, my daughter would LOVE this!! :o)

Katie Swaner said...

Awesome. Thanks

Andie said...

I HATE frogs, but my son LOVES them. He already has the spotted frog and the red eyed tree frog (Jeff and Cozmo respectively) and he would just adore adding this one to his collection.

Anonymous said...

This is adorable! Thank you! From Lexi, age 9

Deb said...

My girls just got their first Webkinz for Christmas and would love another one - the frog is so cute! :)

Brandi said...

My girls love Webkinz. Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

My kiddos are huge Webkinz fans. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!

Jana said...

My girls would love that frog! Thanks for the giveaway.

Geri said...

I LOVE THIS!!!!! Fun, Fun, Fun!!! Please count me in !

Lomagirl said...

This is great. If I don't get my daughter a Webkinz this year, she'll be sadder than sad. This would really make her Valentine's day.

CrystalGB said...

What an adorable frog. Count me in.

jennwa said...

My daughter would absolutely love that. Please count me in.

Unknown said...

My daughters have a Webkinz collection, but not this one. Thanks for the entry!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

My daughter has been begging for that one! Please add me!!

Real Life Sarah said...

My daughters would love this, too. Thanks

Anonymous said...

cute cute

Aimee said...

My daughter would LOVE this!

momma24 said...

I would love one for my daughter! Her favorite is frogs!!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

My girls would go crazy for this!

Unknown said...

My daughter would fall in love with this!

Anonymous said...

I love Webkinz! I would love to have a Love Frog! Enter me please!

Melissa said...

My daughter has already been begging for this for a Valentine's gift!

Lara said...

Enter me! We've just started on webkinz and already the whole family is hooked!

AbbieCRAZY said...

Sign me up!

Zaankali said...

Please count me in.

60 toes said...

of course my kids would love this, which one to give it to, that is the question.

Sarah said...

My daughter told me she wanted to give the love frog to me for valentine's day, but it would be nice to give it to her. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Jenn S. said...

Aww, what a cute frog. My daughter is in love with all things Webkinz. This would be a great gift. Enter me please.

Darlene R. said...

Webkins are totally awesome!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

We are a webkinz loving family, count me in!

Heather said...

please enter daughter loves these things and her birthday is coming up!

Dollymama said...

I would love to win this to give to my daughter. :)

Andrea said...

SO cute!
sign me up!!

Hillcrest Acres said...

Webkinz have invaded by house. My son is on a mission to get them all I think. I couldn't pass up entering this one. The frog is so adorable.

Deanne said...

this would make a great v-day gift for my daughter who has just discovered her love of webkinz! sign us up for a win!

Anonymous said...

Love these things- Funnt I have a friend who is paranoid of frogs!

Brenda said...

Just saw this at the store the other adorable. My two youngest daughters sound just like you...they are American Girl, Penguin Club, and Webkinz fans too. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

wicked cute!

rylie's mom said...

Thats one adorable webkin, My daughter would love it!

Megan said...

Thanks for this great giveaway! My daughter would love to add this to her collection!

Christy Lee said...

How sweet! Please enter me.

windycindy said...

Hi, I have a great-niece who has some of these. She loves them! Please put my name in the hat for your drawing!
Thanks very much.....Cindi

Cathy said...

That is very nice of you!If we win,this would be the first one for my daughter.[That is something she has been wanting].

Rebecca said...

totally count me in i love webkinz!!!!!

Unknown said...

please sign me up

Anonymous said...

Great give-away!

Heather said...

I need a Webkinz to join my boys.

phxbne said...

My 2 year old would go nuts for that!

Monique said...

Oh he's cute! My DD would love that! Thanks for a great giveaway!

emily said...

Very cute! Count me in.

Anonymous said...

So kiddos love webkinz!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would LOVE this!

~ Kim

jess said...

this webkinz world is so addictive, but we'll keep it going!

momofmhasr said...

I must admit, I sneak on and play on my kids animal! i think i need one of my own ;)

michelle said...

How wonderful that you have decided to take part in the Bloggy Giveaways. I think that a Webkinz is the perfect giveaway idea. I have a daughter who enjoys both her American Girl dolls and Webkinz and she would be delighted if I were to win this for her for Valentine's day. I wish you all the best in your blogging adventure.

I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot) com

Unknown said...

awesome! a few in my family luv Webkinz pick me!

sydney auburn (at) bellsouth (dot) net

Amanda said...

We love Webkinz! Pick me!

Kailey said...

Oh! Me me me!!! Pick me! I love webkinz!!!!!!!!

Wendy said...

Great giveaway:) Count me in!

Dawn Hudson said...

We would like a webkinz please. Thanks

Bree said...

Ohh- please enter me! Thanks!

Teri said...

I would love to have a webkinz! My nieces would enjoy it! :)

Momof4 said...

My DDs would love a kissy frog for Valentine's Day! They don't have any Webkinz yet. Thanks for the chance to win. :-)

Marcia said...

That's so cute!!

KnittinChick said...

My niece would LOVE this!

Jennifer Beaver said...

My daughter loves Webkinz!

zeitersouth said...

I have two little boys who love love love webkinz! Thanks for the contest!!

Denise said...

My 6 year old would adore this. He has just gotten into Webkinz! Thanks!

peg42 said...

I have to enter this for my son. My son loves webkinz. He drove us crazy at Christmas, asking "Santa" only for webkinz. We never heard of them and had to drive all over to find them. I would love to win this for him. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

We stopped by two stores tonight just so my daughter could LOOK at the Valentine webkinz. This would make me the world's best mom. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

bluejenna said...

The frog is adorable... Please enter me!

lace said...

I know a little girl who would love this giveaway! I will enter for her.

Melissa said...

how cute!

Queen to my 3 Boys said...

Wow, that's cute!

Shadowfur said...

I LOVE WEBKINZ!!!! please let me win! LOL!

Rachel said...

I know a girlfriend who would LOVE this prize!!

Owner said...

oh, my 3 year old daughter would LOVE that!!

Cynthia said...

My son loves them!

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

My daughter loves it. Please sign us up. Thank you!

Heather said...

My daughter would think I'm a cool mom if I gave her that!

Elena said...

Hmm, maybe to prevent fights between my two daughters, I would just keep this for myself if I won! :D Thanks for the contest!

Mommy said...

Please count me in your contest. Thank you for offering such a nice prize! :)

Anonymous said...

Enter me.


Superdumb Supervillain said...

Roo covets her cousins' Webkins!

Rebecca said...

Please enter me!
rebeccagillespie at

Mystnrayne said...

lol I want that frog! Enter me please. :)

Gracious Gifts said...

My niece would love this!

Jean said...

A great Valentine gift for one of my kiddos..choosing which one might be hard.

Hollie said...

Love frogs so the Love frog would be perfect for me! Hoping I am a lucky cannuck.

Carrie said...

I would love this!! I play with my kids webkinz when they are in bed! If I had my own...oh the joy!!!

Kristen M. said...

My daughter believes I need my own Webkinz (I secretly log onto hers after she is in bed to play the games). If I won, I'd share this with her of course!

susan1215 said...


Qtpies7 said...

What a great idea! My dd would love to win it.

Wendylicious said...

Oh out of all the give aways, I like yours best! I want to win! I love pink and I love frogs!

Rebecca said...

my daughter would go crazy over this!

Spookygirl said...

My daughter would LOVE this !

Tania said...

Frogs are one of my favourite animals and I love this one! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

We love Webkinz at this house! Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

My girls would be so happy for me to win this :)
sjbraun at hotmail dot com

Britni said...

This is so cute!

Sheila said...

How cute! Count me in!

Re said...

great contest! count me in!

Anonymous said...

i love frogs,i collect all kinds!

Anonymous said...

My daughters are crazy about webkinz! They tell me all the time how much they want one!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

I have two WEBKINZ fanatics at my house! They would love to add this to their collection! Thanks for the offer!

Kierra said...

the kids here LOVE webkinz!

Heather said...

This would bump my daughter up to 10! what a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! Thanks for a great giveaway.

Snowbird said...

Adorable. I have a granddaughter who would love to give this little guy a good home.

jayedee said...

great giveaway! please throw my name in the hat! good luck everyone!

Angela said...

My mom said I could enter your contest for the frog using her name and info! So please enter me!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds Great
Enter me please for the giveaway!

Kristi said...

My younger son does not have a webkinz yet and he LOVES pink. please enter us.

Gina said...

I wasn't blessed with children but I would love this for MYSELF. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sarah said...

We Love webkins.

Thanks for the giveaway.

ahiltz said...

Oh, how cute! My DD would love this! Thanks so much for doing this!

Katie said...

I would really love to win this for my daughter! Thank you for the great giveaway, and the chance to win!

katie at dekabyte dot com

A Peek Into My Life said...

Oh my goodness! Webkinz are very popular in our house. A little girl here would go nuts if she won. :)

Kailey said...

Hey! I am 10 and I LOVE Webkinz! I really want more! I love your blog! Please pick me! That is sooooo cool you are giving away the love frog! I want that one next! It would be soooo cool if I one! Thanks for the chance to get one!

Char said...

I have two little girls who would love this little creature!!!

GREAT giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! count me in.

The Modest Momma said...

Ohhh, I love frogs! Please count me in! Thanks!

Jennifer said...

The princess is cute!

Erin said...

The webkin is adorable!

Peggie said...

So cute! Count me in

Anonymous said...

my kids love webkinz. Thanks for the chance to win one.
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Jenn said...

That is such a sweet little frog. My five year old daughter would love it!
This is a great idea for a giveaway.

Kyra said...

I would love to win this!

tasha said...

I have a daughter that loves webkins!! She'd just love this!! Cout us in!

Stacey said...

we just got our first webkinz!! this would be a great addition!

jjstringham said...

Is it pathetic that I want this for ME?

Anonymous said...

My little girl would love this! Great prize and thank you. :D

julie.bonner at

Dawn Bibbs said...

How cute! My 6 year old daughter is SO into Webkinz these days. She'd love if I won that. I'm in!

Thanks for doing this.

Anonymous said...

How adorable he is! Please count me in!

Rebecca said...

My daughter just got her first one for Christmas and LOVES it. She'd like to have a little friend for her bear. Thanks.

Adrianne said...

Hello, I would like to get the Webkin. I'm going to start collecting them.And yours would be my first one.

Ginny said...

Oh what a fab giveaway, my girls are totally addicted to Webkinz. They got the Cow for pet of the month, so I told my youngest the Love Frog was off limits, lol. Love to win, it would make her day!

Jennifer said...

My daughter would freak if this came for her!! Please count us in!

Steph said...

So generous of you! Please count me in! stepfh at hotmail dot com

Danielle said...

Put me in! Awesome!
dansan826 at

Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

My kids would be all over this.
Hope I win

Anonymous said...

enter me please.

Chelsea said...

Oh, I want, I want!

Stacey Moore said...

please enter us in your awesome contest!! thanks so much!!

Lucy said...

My nieces love Webkinz. They would certainly fight over it :)

lucycontest at

Chastity said...

That's awesome! My daughter would love it!!

Anonymous said...

These are all my 5yo son talks about!!!

Valerie said...

this is so cute!

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

My daughter would love this (she's 7); and she has specified that she DOES want a gift for Valentine's. ;)

Stacey said...

Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks.


goalmom said...

My son received his first Webkinz for Christmas and would love this frog. Please enter me in your giveaway.

Tracy DeLuca said...

My daughter collects frogs and would adore this one!

Shane H. said...

Both of my sons collect Webkinz, but I actually like this little guy for myself! Count me in please. :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen that one. Too cute.

T'aowyn said...

So sute and great for V day.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

PastormacsAnn said...

I need to win this so my kids can fight over who gets it! ;-)

Jennwith4 said...

I've been wanting to get my daughter one of these!

heather h said...

Oh this is cute! I haven't seen this one. I'd like to win this one!!

Pearl said...

Oh this is so cute.

Ivy Vega from said...

My little girl will love this!
Nice giveaway.

April said...

My child would LOVE this! Thanks for doing this!

Ben and April said...

My little boy would love this!


Jennifer (mom of four) said...

That is very generous of you to have your own giveaway. My daughter Rebecca turns 10 on Saturday and she LOVES Webkinz!! She even took me into our local Hallmark store last week to show me the Love Frog!! It is so cute!!

Thanks for the giveaway!!

Come visit I am having a giveaway too!!

The Mom of 'em said...

Ribbit! My daughters would love this little guy.

Anonymous said...

me and my boys love frogs this would go great with out collection :)

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway! Count me in!

Amy said...

What a great giveaway. Next time I will let my daughter do the same. She loves webkinz. Count me in!

Amber said...

Oh, very neat! My daughters (4 and 7) love theirs, too. They have a German Shepherd and a white long-haired cat. I'm sure they'd love another!!

God bless!!

Christine - Tutorial Addict :) said...

AWWWWW SO CUTE! thanks for entering me!

Laura Marchant said...

This would be my first if I win. they look so cute!

Katie said...

how cute. Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

RSchuurman said...

My girls would absolutely love this! It's a great idea. Thanks for the chance to win it!!

Joanna said...

Enter me in your giveaway, please. Thank you!

Sahm Lee said...

Enter me please, very cute frog!

Anonymous said...


noreen said...

too cute of a frog

fyjules said...

The frog looks cute, great giveaway.

Sassyfrazz said...

I love the Frog~

Thanks for a super giveaway and your generosity!
I have 3 contests going on right now, so stop on by to enter!
sharvey at connections-etc dot net

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

Super cute. Thanks for the contest!

Charlotte in Pa said...

As a nanny, I know how very cool (and important) Webkinz are. I'd love to win this! Thanks!

Giabella Designs said...

OMG! That one is so cute! My daughter, Giavanna, would love that one!!!!!!!!

Tinie said...

oh that is super cute! count me in

Maria's Space said...

I would love, love, love this love frog. I had bought one to give my daughter for Valentines but one of my dearest friends daughter came down with, well actually we are still waiting for the tests to come back, so I gave it to her.

ktrae said...

That is pretty cute.

mtmommy said...

What a great gift! Please count me in!

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