Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Kids Everywhere Need You

Yesterday in class my teacher, Mrs. Benson, said that we are going to do a project. That project is to gather things like craft supplies and party favors. The, on the 12th of February we are going to give these items to our local kids shelter. We're also going to make Valentines for them.

Thinking about this made me wonder... how many kids are there that are, well, homeless?

I asked my teacher this question and she replied that our local kids shelter doesn't have enough room right now for all the kids.

If you give to your local animal shelter or any kind of shelter, you can make a difference. Even if all you give is a Valentine's Day Card it will still make a difference.


Amy said...

Thank you for reminding all of us, Princess. I'm going to make it a point to help out somehow this year!

Pattik said...

You really seem to wake up
us people in adult land. Thank
you for being you.

Queen Mother said...

Thanks for the wake up call. We get so caught up in our lives we forget that there are many who need help or even a kind word. Thanks for being you and reminding us. I love you

Queen B said...

You are a very sweet girl. I am proud of you!!