Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday

As everyone knows, yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday. I have decided to tell how I spent my SBS. (Super Bowl Sunday)

A few people came over to my grandpa's house. I ended up not getting to watch my favorite part of the SB: The Commercials. How sad.

My family and I are happy and sad about how it turned out. We have decided (or at least I have decided) that we are happy that the Giants won. Woo Hoo!!!

Last night we did a bracket thing where you picked out what your favorite commercial was. Mine was the Amp "Push It" commercial.

I better go!! Time to get off the computer.

Which commercial did you like the best?


Queen Mother said...

Princess--I liked the one where the dalmatation was helping the horse train to pull the wagon. The "Rocky" music was really cool.
I'm glad the Giants won, too.

Amy said...

Well, Princess, in our part of the state, we didn't have the game for the entire first half (it was blacked out for some reason). So by the time I started watching, I didn't really see any good ones. I can't wait to hear what others thought.

Fresh Girl said...

You know what? I don't know what commercial I liked best because not a single one of them captured my attention! The best part for me was the game, especially the last couple of minutes when the Giants won. Yay! :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't watch the superbowl this year, so I don't know. I added your blog to my favorite blog list on my blog!