Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hola Mi Amigas!

Well, Guatemala was wonderful,  and I have big news.

WE ARE ADOPTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ta Da! Yep, that's right. We are trying adopting a little girl. She is 5.  We have not come up with a bloggy name yet so I will get back to you.  Please Pray.

Guatemala was a life changing experience I must tell you.

Got to Go!

P.S. Do you like my new signature? If you want to know where I got it just ask me in the comments.


Isabel said...

I like the signature. Do you know when you're going to get the little girl?
Isabel (Caroline's sister).

The Princess said...

We don't really know yet, but I hope soon!!!
The Princess

Chris said...

Hi were did u get the signature? Check out my blog at http://www.puppyloverof3.blogspot.com