Monday, February 23, 2009


Yesterday,  during the prayer request time at church, Mr. T (our sort-of-pastor) told us to pray for Mr. A.T., a really cool guy at our church.  His mom died last week in a fire.  She lived upstairs in her house with some renters living downstairs.  The renters left a candle burning when they left the house.  When the renter returned to find the house in flames, he grabbed his stuff, not thinking about Mr. A.T.'s mother.  She died.

Mr. T said that Mr. A.T. went to the renter a few days later and simply said, " I forgive you."

To be honest, I probably would not have done that.  I would have never forgiven the man.

Please pray for Mr. A. T.  and for the renter.


Queen B said...

What an incredible example of forgiveness. And such a sad, sad tragedy.

I am so proud of you for sharing this need.

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing with us, Princess!