Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oh VBS...

I know it is to teach kids about God. I know that. But that doesn't mean it isn't one of the longest weeks ever.

This year we are in Egypt. This is my first year to be a helper. To be honest, I am a little excited.

I will be an assistant to Miss R (a really cool girl in her '20s who is just like me:) (she's single -wink, wink:). Our group is called the Asyuts. Pronounced As-YUU-ts. That is what the book said at least.

I am going to try to set it up where every night this week I post what we learned. I didn't explain it will, but you'll see:)

Tuesday I have to teach part of it because Miss R has something to go to. Scary!! I went over the lesson yesterday. It isn't too bad.

It will just be hard to make the to-be 6th graders to obey me. They are pretty much all boys and just a "teensy" bit wild. Who am I kidding?!?! They run around screaming like monkeys. Except one of the boys, B, is one of my best friends, so he doesn't count as a monkey. As long as he obeys me. MWA HA HA HA!!

~ Side-note: I don't like using real people's names, so I just use the first letter of their first names. ~

K. GTG set up this week's blog posts. Adios.

The Princess

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